'A day in the life, high carb day testing out my blood glucose levels and more! DOUGHBAR DOUGHNUTS- https://www.doughbardoughnuts.com (as seen on SHARKTANK ;) ) EDIBLE COOKIE DOUGH- https://www.thelionspack.com/ FREE SHIPPING on orders over $20 Online Coaching Inquiries- [email protected] Supplements- www.shoptotalnutrition.com CBD Oils and Edibles- www.cbdtechnologies.us or IG CBDXLEAN Use Code CHFIT to save $ on your order! I use and have tried: 250mg or 500mg tincture drops (depending on how I’m feeling) ONE gummy bear each day HiQuil nighttime syrup in cotton candy flavor 10/10! Cookies are a 10/10!!!! Supplements I Take: 1,000mg Ashwagandha NOW Brand 2,000mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine NOW Brand 3 capsules FemmeBurn Fat Burner Muscle Sport Brand 3 capsules Hair, Skin & Nails Muscle Sport Brand 900mg Omega-3 Fatty Acids NOW Brand Potassium Plus Iodine/thyroid support 1 Tablet NOW Brand Multi Vitamin 5g Creatine Monohydrate LabTech Nutraceuticals Brand 5g Glutamine LabTech Nutraceuticals Brand Vitamin D3- 2,000 IU NOW Brand Relora 300mg NOW Brand Pre-Workout w/caffeine Kodiak Attack BEST EVER! By Kodiak Performance Supplements (All flavors rock, try to shoot in w/out water, it tastes like pixie stix!) Pre-Workout w/out Caffeine Bio Pump\'d By Global Formulas Sodium 8,000mg/daily total Protein Supplements top products- 3 Whey by Kodiak Performance Supplements (Chocolate Brownie is #1!) Lean Whey Revolution by Muscle Sport (Cookies & Cream and Protella are #1!) Quattro by Magnum Nutraceuticals (Soft Serve Vanilla Ice Cream is #1 !) ALL of my supplements are from Total Nutrition in Ankeny and West Des Moines. www.shoptotalnutrition.com FREE Shipping on all orders over $99 Music: NoCopyrightSounds. NCS- Julius Dresig: Invisible, Asketa & Natan Chaim- \"Alone\"'
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